Friday, September 11, 2009

Pause to remember today, the horror, the injustice, and the bravery.
The new & improved Hubble HD pictures are in and I am knocked out. There is nothing like looking at galaxies 10 billion light years away to change your whole perspective on God.

My calculator won't go that high so I try my brain....speed of light, 386,000 miles per second times 10,000,000,000 years....and that's when I blow a fuse.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

While AARP does not endorse any health bill as yet, they do say that Dick Morris, Betsy McCaughey, Frank Luntz, and the Lewin Group,......LIED! (Surprise, surprise, surprise!) I, for one, trust AARP more than I do anyone in Washington.
Of course you all know I was kidding about not taking the flu shot, but, life imitating art, there are some idiots out there today actually claiming this is attempted genocide and urging people not to take the shots. It's hard to be funny nowadays with so many dumbasses around.
I don't know if some on the right have discovered some strange new and dangerous hallucinogen or if they actually need to do more drugs. Whichever, they're definitely psychotic.
Warning people! DON'T TAKE THE FLU SHOT! It is a government "health plan" to kill you! FLU stands for Federal Logistical Ultimatum. They want to get rid of anyone who may use Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security in order to save money! Don't be duped by Obama!